STW: Engineers Engaged in Excellence Coach

UNC Charlotte Office of Student Development and Success

Student Temp Wage
Closes on Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Job Description

The Engineers Engaged in Excellence (E 3) coaches have the responsibility of welcoming students to the College of Engineering, helping them navigate their new environment, and supporting them as they progress through their Engineering Degrees. This position offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of fellow students by providing guidance, encouragement, and resources for their success.

Responsibilities include:
Coaching: Serve as a coach to a designated group of undergraduate engineering students, offering guidance and support in academic, personal, and professional matters.

Academic Support: Assist students in understanding course requirements, navigating academic resources, and developing effective study habits.

Career Development: Provide insight into internship opportunities, co-op programs, and career pathways within the field of engineering.

Resource Referral: Connect students with campus resources such as tutoring, counseling, career services, and student organizations to enhance their college experience.

Workshops and Events: Collaborate with College of Engineering staff to organize and facilitate workshops, seminars, and networking events tailored to student needs and interests.

Peer Group Activities: Plan and lead group activities, discussions, and study sessions to foster a sense of community among mentees.

Regular Check-Ins: Conduct regular one-on-one and group meetings with students to assess progress, address challenges and set personal and academic growth goals.

Documentation: Maintain accurate records of coaching interactions, student progress, and program effectiveness for reporting purposes.

Professional Development: Participate in training sessions and workshops to enhance coaching skills, cultural competency, and knowledge of College of Engineering programs and services.

On-Campus Employment (UNC Charlotte Departments Only) 10-12 UNC Charlotte Office of Student Development and Success
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